I just received my new Jungle hobbies LED light system in the mail last week and couldn't be happier with it. It is very well built and solid. It weighs more than I thought it would. For some reason being LED I thought it would be light weight and plastic like a lot of the
other light hoods I see for terrariums, but this thing is built like a tank by comparison. The programming instructions were a little intimidating at first, but, after a little reading and experimenting even I could figure it out. Once you have it programmed you can run it through a fast demo cycle of the day you have programmed it to reproduce. You can increase and decrease the intensity of the LEDs depending on how deep your tank is. My tank is 29" deep and it lights up all the way to the bottom and it is not on full intensity.
I will be moving it to another smaller tank to replace an Exo terra light hood and will be ordering a couple more units to replace the 6 bulb HO T5 fixture I have over my 200 gallon terrarium.